Friday, August 31, 2012

Convey the Light of Islam!

Dear all social network user 

Internet is a modern means of communicating to people in different corners of the world.At the time of Rasool (s.a.w) and Sahabahs (r.a),they used to walk on foot or riding camels, donkeys and horses as far as the distance of more than 500km, just to convey islam, but today, we are blessed; we have cars, planes, ships and the like, where we cantravel 1000km per few hours. Besides, we can just sit in our room and convey a message of Islam to millions of people around the globe. using Facebook has become a major changing force in the world. Nobody can ignore its power and influence.Muslim has to make use of it to spread the true message of Islam and remove the misunderstandings about this great religion. We will not reign supreme if we failto utilize all means to mobilize this religion. We are commanded by Allah (s.w) to reveal Islam to the masses and we must have the sense of responsibility to spread this religion worldwide, to the best of our ability. In fact, most people on facebook do not utilize their opportunity to pass on a word of Islam to their thousands of friend; they feel as a waste of time! they forget that they have a responsibility which Allah shall ask about it on the Great Day, We can easily propagate Islam on Facebook through our status updates!; sending messages to friends, linking Islamic Information website etc.The Holy Qur'an has more than 6000 verses which are the bank of human life. The Prophet of Islam, who is also the Great Teacher of Mankind, has millions of words that we can use as daily statuses to teach others the true Islam! I encourage my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters to exploit this highly popular social network on propagating the true message of Islam, and quitall the useless writings which are liable to be punished by Spreading and propagating Islam via Facebook, Twitter andothers is something which cannot slip away from us. Thus, we must have the eagerness to address the hearts of people and try to convey the light of Islam to them through this Facebook! I also take this as an opportunity to all my friends tovisit my profile to view my note,and if u have the acces of publishing pls help me publish it. It can be books,pamphlets,asan article on websites without even informing me. Facebook shall be a centre for Islamic Propagation and Education

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